Dentsu South Africa

covid 19

Isolated, but not alone. Locked down, but still thinking outside the box. COVID-19 is a complicated challenge, but a few DAN SSA staff members shared their inspiring ideas on how to stay positive

Revina Acheampong
PR and Communications Specialist, DAN Ghana

I’m reading… actually rereading, Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life.


I’m learning… new things via on Workday.

I’m working… with the Dentsu team to unpack client briefs and check in with each other to make sure we’re all okay.

Two women posing for the camera

I’m cooking… with my mum, who lives with me. She usually does the cooking, so it’s fun being able to spend time together in this way.

I’m missing… church. I’m very “churchy”, but I sing, dance and play music in my own space.

Lana Marais
Regional Client Service Director, DAN SSA

I’m staying connected… with video calls, so I feel more in touch with others. We are so lucky to have technology. I feel grateful to have so much.

I’m using routine… to manage my workload, kids, me-time and domestic chores.

I’m compiling… a post-COVID bucket list. Every time I find myself thinking about a place or a person, or an activity I could be doing right now, I make a note on my phone so that I can make it happen before the end of 2020.

Computer Screen
View of the ocean

I’m watching the world… from my home-office window, which faces the road. When I see the occasional car passing by, I can’t help wondering what essentials that person needed.

Koo Govender
Chief Executive Officer, DAN South Africa

I’m relying on… apps like WhatsApp, FaceTime and Houseparty to stay connected with family and friends.


I’m not missing… sitting in traffic for hours.

I’m loving… cooking for my husband and sons and trying out new recipes.


I’m focusing on… what I can control. I am grateful for what I have and I look forward to reconnecting with friends and family in the future.

Delicia Arjunan
Strategic Account Manager, Vizeum

I’m prioritising… mental health by enrolling in The Science of Well-being course developed by Yale University. (Thank you, Clare from Carat, for the recommendation.)


I’m staying informed… by consuming a great deal of information so that I can stay abreast of the latest news. It’s also an important exercise to interrogate the content to ensure that it’s credible.

I’m encouraged… by the spirit of collaboration at DAN, as well as the willingness to share content.

Cheryl Steyn
Executive Assistant, DAN SSA

I’m realising… that lockdown isn’t as easy as I thought it would be, so I’m thinking carefully about my lockdown strategy.

I’m exercising… at least once a day. I do an aerobics class for the elderly ladies in our complex. We do them on garden chairs. Jane Fonda, you’ve got nothing on me!

I’m enjoying family time… which has become a mini Masterchef challenge. My son Caylem won this week with his Love Bunny Chow, making do with the ingredients we have.


Kelly Moses
Regional Communications & Marketing Manager, DAN SSA

I’m jamming… art jamming, that is. I’ve always wanted to test my artistic skills and since I had the supplies, my boyfriend and I had an art jamming session, accompanied by red wine. I discovered that there’s a Picasso inside everyone.

Woman Drawing

I’m getting out… even if it’s just to the garden to put a chop and mealies on the braai. For an extrovert like me, this kind of activity is essential for my mental well-being.

I’m reaching out… to friends, family and colleagues. Family group chats and WhatsApp groups have really helped me to stay positive and bridge the gap. I think I’m actually connecting more with friends and family, and it has deepened my appreciation for what I have.


WATCH: The Fresh Living team were not to be outdone and tested their TikTok skills. Their video is just happiness in a peanut-butter jar. You’ll have to  to see what we mean.