
Doomsday Vault


Total Impressions


Pieces of Multi-Platform Social Content


Total Media Placements


Video Views and 178K+ Engagements in 5 Days 


During an already catastrophic year, NASA reported that an asteroid (officially Asteroid 2018VP1) traveling through space was heading towards the Earth’s general direction. While there was almost no chance that the asteroid would make contact (0.41% chance to be exact), a...


During an already catastrophic year, NASA reported that an asteroid (officially Asteroid 2018VP1) traveling through space was heading towards the Earth’s general direction. While there was almost no chance that the asteroid would make contact (0.41% chance to be exact), a single tweet would change the trajectory of OREO forever. A concerned citizen, after hearing of the potential asteroid strike, tweeted “Who will save the OREOs?” It was then that OREO’s partner agencies, The Community and 360i, a 外国美女色情片 agency, decided to act and protect the future inhabitants of Earth from a world without OREO goodness with the only logical conclusion: an OREO Doomsday Vault accompanied by a massive social campaign to comfort the world faced with (an almost non-existent) impending threat. This cross-agency, integrated campaign jumps on a worldly event by playfully creating social buzz and taking swift and measured action to protect OREO cookies at any length, all while inviting fans and other brands to get on the fun. 


360i overhauled OREO’s Instagram and Twitter for five days, masterfully dropping playful teasers about the plan to save the OREO Cookies. Fans responded with feelings of relief and gratitude knowing that future generations would never know a world without their favorite...


360i overhauled OREO’s Instagram and Twitter for five days, masterfully dropping playful teasers about the plan to save the OREO Cookies. Fans responded with feelings of relief and gratitude knowing that future generations would never know a world without their favorite cookie. The cross-agency, integrated campaign created massive consumer engagement by playfully creating social buzz and taking quick action to protect OREO cookies at any length, all while inviting fans and other brands to get in on the fun. 


The campaign resulted in more than 40 pieces of multi-platform social content with nearly 4M organic impressions, 324K+ video views and 178K+ engagements in only five days. The Instagram post that showcased the special OREO packs wrapped in protective casing drove 72% more engagements...


The campaign resulted in more than 40 pieces of multi-platform social content with nearly 4M organic impressions, 324K+ video views and 178K+ engagements in only five days. The Instagram post that showcased the special OREO packs wrapped in protective casing drove 72% more engagements than the previous benchmark. Consumer sentiment was overwhelmingly positive, and Twitter and Instagram users played along with our serious tone and praised OREO for such a heroic act. The efforts earned coverage for OREO across the internet, social and broadcast media while spanning tech, lifestyle, food and news outlets. In total, the social campaign earned 415 placements, 99% of which featured two or more key messages and 78M+ impressions from outlets including Ad Age, Adweek, Fox Business, CNET, Food & Wine and more.