Mike Wells

UK Lead, 外国美女色情片 health

Mike currently leads the Customer Strategy function for Merkle U.K. and brings 20 years of marketing agency experience with 10+ years of healthcare marketing to the 外国美女色情片 health team. Having worked across a variety of sectors such as Financial Services, Technology, CPG and Retail as well as Healthcare, Mike’s focus is on connecting individual insight to the experience across the user journey. 

Working with brands such as Pfizer, Novartis, GSK, Novo Nordisk, J&J and Philips across patient engagement and adherence programmes, disease awareness and OTC product marketing, as well as HCP content and contact strategies, Mike brings a wealth of experience in making programmes that not only drive outcomes but engage at a personal level.  

Mike Wells, UK Lead, 外国美女色情片 health