Dentsu Aegis Network

Newsroom Editor


The role of the modern CMO has evolved. No longer just stewards of brand and communication, they are charged with driving growth across the customer journey. In the US and across the globe, around 79% of CMOs believe they must take responsibility for product and service innovation, and they must transform, not just optimize, their businesses through digital.

To understand the evolving role of CMOs, Dentsu’s 2019 CMO Survey examined what high-growth CMOs do differently than low-growth CMOs. The survey also benchmarks US CMOs against their global counterparts. At a high level, the survey showed that:

US CMOs are driving transformation in the short-term

  • Transformation is important, but disruption less so. It’s an evolution, not a revolution. And it’s powered by focusing on consumers.
  • CMOs plan only 2.5 years ahead. They struggle to balance competing priorities, such as balancing “agility versus longevity,” where they must drive short-term results and long-term brand value.
  • “Mattering” is more important than “marketing” to customers, i.e., having a social purpose.

Globally, high-growth CMOs have a different approach than their low-growth counterparts

  1. Set a clear role: They have created an integrated role for their department, balancing performance with brand health. They view marketing as the heart of customer-led, business transformation. 
  2. Deliver on strategic vision: Internal culture is key to driving growth, which must align the organization around marketing’s vision and integrate marketing strategy into business strategy. 
  3. Adapt to consumers: Success demands marketing integrate into consumers’ lives—not the other way around—by driving connections on a deeper personal and emotional level.

What’s clear is that high-growth CMOs are succeeding by achieving business transformation through marketing integration. If you want help, Dentsu Aegis Network is here to help transform your marketing and drive growth.