Budget Optimisation
Allocating the most optimal place for every level of marketing investment
Marketers have always faced the problem of knowing how much to spend on advertising to maximise sales. Even once a media budget has been decided there is still the issue of how to allocate it across geographies, brands in the portfolio, media channels and weeks of the year and with what weights.
It is a complex problem that has been made even more complicated by the growth of digital throughout the past few years, balancing investment in targeted communications alongside brand-building communications that supports lead generation throughout the consumer funnel.
We have developed a proprietary tool called Polestar to optimise media budgets based on outputs from modelling or our extensive database of results.
PoleStar is a secure, online tool that takes our model outputs and produces media plans showing the optimal allocation of budgets across campaigns, media channels, and digital sub-channels during different weeks of the year.
PoleStar allows the user to run scenarios based on changing objectives and budgets and respond to business opportunities and challenges throughout the year at any frequency required. The questions we can answer with PoleStar:
? What should the total media budget be to maximise business KPIs?
? What return can I expect for different levels of investment?
? How likely is it that business sales targets will be achieved under different budgets or channel-mixes?
? How should the budget be allocated across sales channels, and at different times of year?
In our experience PoleStar can find significant efficiencies through better allocation of media budgets, creating opportunities for our clients to add $100ms to their sales for the same media budget.
Marketing Effectiveness
Driving brand & business growth through marketing effectiveness
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Building measurement frameworks that inform business growth
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Allocating the most optimal place for every level of marketing investment
Link to Our Modelling