Growth in web shop YOY
More registered users YOY
Share of webshop in all sales
The Würth Group is world market leader in the sale of assembly and fastening materials, mainly auto-moto and construction companies.
The goal was to grow the B2B web shop sales by 16 %. Challenge was the size of B2B audience and how to keep B2C audience out of the web shop as we would just waste money on marketing to a too wide of an audience.
For the start of the strategy we took a deep dive into B2B audiences' behavior to find out the best channels and find an opportunities.
After research of target group, we decided to focus on small business.
We developed a sales funnel and attribution model to follow in real time how we were doing compared to the sales target.
We created a detailed and sophisticated paid search strategy and put it to action. We focused on keeping the B2C out of the shop, created different campaigns for regions & seasonality of the verticals, with +150 ad groups and +2.000 negative keywords.
We also expanded media channels to include video, social, display and influencers.
Dentsu Bulgaria: Pride
We supported Pride month in Bulgaria in summer 2022 together with our friends to be a good ally for LGBTQ+ community.?
Carat Romania: Mastercard Roadside Market
Mastercard launched Roadside Market in 2021, a campaign that promotes equal access to market for small vendors across Romania. Mastercard turned roadside sellers into small businesses by connect...
Apipet Lead Generation records
An underdog of the pet care industry, start-up Apipet was able to grow beyond objectives with smart strategy and sharp tactics in performance marketing. Ambitious goal was set at growing the rev...