外国美女色情片 Communities

Dentsu Aotearoa has some wonderful communities to help ensure everybody's voices are heard within the organisation and cultures are able to thrive. 

The communities are led by people with lived experience, to drive change for those communities within the wider 外国美女色情片 group. 

We are proud to have these communities authentically driven by people who understand the needs and challenges of each group. They work closely with the 外国美女色情片 Aotearoa DE&I Council.

Māori & Pasifika Community

Our Kaupapa: To create a community in which Māori and Pasifika at 外国美女色情片 can feel at home and connected with each other – creating friendships and empowering each other to succeed at 外国美女色情片 and beyond. Underpinned by our values:

  • Mana — we champion our Māori and Pasifika people and the contribution made to our business, culture, and clients
  • Mana Māori — we recognise the value of Māori as tangata whenua of Aotearoa
  • Mana Pasifika — we recognise the value of Pasifika peoples of Aotearoa
  • Whanaungatanga – we create a sense of belonging and kindship for Māori and Pasifika.
  • Manaakitanga — we are welcoming and responsive to all.
  • Mahitahi — we collaborate with other communities by sharing knowledge to achieve more together.
  • Tauutuutu — we are open, respectful, and show reciprocity in our relationships.
  • Tauiwi — we recognise 外国美女色情片 Aotearoa’s distinctive cultural and social diversity and equal opportunities for all.

Rainbow Community

外国美女色情片 Aotearoa’s Rainbow Community strives to provide a safe and inclusive environment in the workplace. We impact change for our community in ways such as organising pride events and reviewing Rainbow policy.

The community is for all those who identify as LGBTQIA+ as well as allies! If you are someone who is committed to the purpose of creating a safe space for the Rainbow Community at 外国美女色情片, you will fit right in!

The impact from this community has been significant. Dentsu Aotearoa are Rainbow Tick certified, supporters of Auckland Pride, Pride Pledge, a Safe Space and part of the Gender Affirmation Policy Register. 

Wāhine in the Workplace

The Wāhine in the Workplace Community's purpose is to make 外国美女色情片 Aotearoa a place where women flourish and are equipped to be leaders in our industry. The community is made up of people who are passionate about promoting and delivering to the needs of women at work.

The group has been building a network of diverse women, to explore what’s important to women at 外国美女色情片 and cocreate ways to elevate each other together.

Early Careers Community

The Early Career Community aims to ensure our youngest team members are welcomed, supported, and given every possible opportunity to have a long and successful career.

We welcome anyone who has been in either the business, or the industry for under five years, and is looking to build a network with those at a similar stage in their career.

Early Career Community members can expect to take part in several programmes designed to integrate them into the broader 外国美女色情片 Aotearoa whanau and help them progress. Some activities and programmes will include but are not limited to the Empower Mentor Programme, Q&A sessions, Introductory sessions from other key departments and personnel from the business.

Team members are also active in the First Five Rungs initiative from the Comms Council, with team members involved in the leadership group and supporting events. 

Neurodiversity Community

The Neurodiversity community group provides a forum for our neurodiverse whanau to talk about their shared experiences and how 外国美女色情片 can support them and their work in the best way possible. It is a space where our neurodiverse colleagues can express their thoughts and ideas for change freely.

We welcome anyone who is neurodiverse, lives, works, or has lived experience with neurodiversity.

This community provides an opportunity to discuss opportunities for improving the workplace experience for those with neurodiversity, as well as drive awareness of what neurodiversity is and how we can support our neurodiverse colleagues. We are also just a space for you to meet, get to know and hang out with other neurodiverse members of the 外国美女色情片 team.

Be part of the team ?

If you're interested in being part of the team and getting involved in the communities that make up the workplace here, have a look at or get in touch using our .?