In response to the current pandemic, the SEO team of iProspect in the Netherlands has created a playbook that seeks to better understand the state of organic search post-COVID-19 in the Dutch market. This playbook presents an actionable strategy aimed helping brands navigate the changing search landscape with SEO-led initiatives.  


The playbook is divided in two parts: 

First, iProspect has examined search behaviour based on existing keyword data (25k Dutch keywords) from clients operating in various verticals in the Netherlands starting mid-March. Data is collected from a total of 17 verticals, where the verticals that showed interesting findings we took a deep dive. 

  • The main finding, overarching all the verticals, is that the overall decline is not as big as assumed. This is due to a large growth in the majority of categories. 
  • The verticals that showed biggest negative impact are ‘Career’ and ‘Travel’. 
  • Interestingly, the search behavior changes as the pandemic progresses and more news becomes available to the public. Quite some verticals show an increase in searches in March, followed by a strong decrease in April.  
  • Some verticals experienced an increase in popularity due to a peak demand for certain products. For example, “tondeuse kopen” had 3210% more searches as compared to April last year. 

For more findings per vertical, please refer to the playbook. 

The second section of this playbook presents iProspect’s 3 phased approach to a COVID-19 recovery. The 3 phases are translated into tactical SEO-led actions for technical, content, and authority building.  

  • Survive: consumer behavior shifts. What is the leading customer sentiment? What are the changes in buying behavior? How should brands go about their communications towards customers?  
  • Maintain: the world begins to adapt to the “new normal”. Which themes experienced an increase in popularity? How can brands leverage such themes? How can brands advance from reactive behavior by responding to the current changes, to proactive behavior by implementing activities that also benefit brands after the pandemic? 
  • Grow: COVID-19 restrictions are starting to ease around the world and consumer regain confidence to make larger purchases or plan for the future. What is the new customer sentiment? How to plan for Q4? How to further future-proof your brand? 


Excited about the data in this playbook? about the trends in your industry, and how SEO can help your brand.