Brand communication in the post corona landscape: From crisis communication to the new normal

Brand communication in the post corona landscape
From crisis communication to the new normal
Two weeks have now passed since our first webinar: brand communication during and after the corona crisis. Developments are moving fast and we have gained new insights on how to build your brand in the 'new normal' landscape. In these unprecedented times it is crucial to invest in brand communication keeping focus on short and long term branding. But how?
We'd like to invite you for a follow up webinar, sharing the most recent developments and insights. Explaining a strategic model that supports you in decision making in times of crisis.
Our strategists & will also answer the most pressing questions from marketers:
- How would a strategy look like in the post corona landscape? Where do I start?
- How do I communicate in this new landscape?
- What is the difference in consumer behavior between older and younger generations?
Interested? Register now .
Program Wednesday 22 april
1:50 pm Dial in
2 pm Start
2:45 pm Q&A
3 pm End
Did you miss our webinar about sentiment tracking? (password:WebinarWednesday). Attached you find the complete presentation of , & Jeroen Oosterbaan.