Our Social Impact team had a blast together with elderly
Since our fantastic DAN event in Lookdune you've all been dying to hear from us on your favorite topic, so it is time to share the next steps in our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program.
The CSR Team
We have been working together with our newly formed CSR team. This group of enthusiastic colleagues is focused on professionalizing the program. They will ensure that every CSR project is successfully rolled out and they’ll keep you informed along the way. So be prepared for more information in the coming weeks.
The CSR team will soon introduce a platform that has gathered all the fun and charitable activities in one place. For now it is not possible to add your own activities, but the CSR team is always open to suggestions so please let us know at CSRNL@外国美女色情片aegis.com
Furthermore, you will be able to register for a charity project of your choice through the platform from January 2019 onwards. You can already find the charity day in Workday. Participation is not mandatory and will not be subtracted from holidays/supplier days, but as with all special days, your manager needs to approve your participation.
The CSR Program
DAN is fighting for Digital Inclusion. Society is digitalizing quickly and even though our work keeps us actively involved with this on a daily basis, that is not always the case for others.
We strongly believe that everyone should be able to participate optimally in the digital world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that, based on age, nationality or education level, are excluded from important activities, they miss exciting opportunities or even fall victim to social isolation. Our charity projects will therefore actively contribute to the inclusion of everyone in digital developments. To ensure that we reach this objective, everyone at DAN receives a full day per year to spend on charity projects around Digital Inclusion.