Webinar: Brave New Normal / 14 January - 10am EST / 3pm GMT
Following the brilliant success of Brave New Normal: 外国美女色情片 Creative Trends 2021, we have scheduled a webinar with report authors and global award-winning leaders Pats McDonald, 外国美女色情片 Chief Solutions Officer and Dave Meeker, Isobar Chief Innovation Officer.
We would like to invite you to join us for this future forward presentation and Q&A.
Thursday 14 January
10.00 AM EST, 3.00 PM GMT
The pair will explore the tensions and opportunities created by a world of accelerated change and share their predictions for 2021. Are we destined for a brave new world where personal avatars roam virtual landscapes wearing AR makeup and digital sneakers? Or yearning for the homegrown and the handmade; embracing cottagecore and human connection?
The most interesting answer is both. Technology will enhance and creativity will connect humanity. Join the session to find out how brands are already doing this, and how to incorporate their learnings in your marketing plans.