Carbon neutral research and Strategy consultation
Analysis of how consumers perceive carbon neutrality and what they expect of companies/industries

Efforts aimed at carbon neutrality expected of specific industries/companies
Consumer survey on carbon neutrality
Since April 2021, we have been conducting the Consumer Survey on Carbon Neutrality *1. The survey includes various topics related to carbon neutrality, such as: grasping domestic consumer awareness of carbon neutrality, which is now an important theme both in Japan and overseas; status of recognition of the 14 priority areas shown in the Green Growth Strategy in relation to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050; consumer awareness of specific companies promoting measures toward carbon neutrality, etc. Through these surveys, we can grasp any changes in awareness and behavior of consumers over time and cover various topics each time. This provides us with an overview, from diverse angles, of the actual extent of penetration of the theme of carbon neutrality among consumers.
*1: Release from the Dentsu Group (eighth release)
Provision of strategic consulting concerning carbon neutrality for companies
To assist a wide spectrum of industries and companies (29 industries, 89 companies; mainly Japanese) in formulating appropriate strategies to implement appropriate measures, we conduct surveys on how consumers evaluate and perceive respective industries/companies in the context of carbon neutrality. Based on the results (including perception of efforts in carbon neutrality by industries/companies regarding priority areas, and impressions of industries/companies in promoting carbon neutrality efforts, etc.), we provide an analytical framework of the consumer perspectives, expectations, and so on. Making use of this analysis, we can provide turnkey proposals covering from communication strategies to implementation measures, and everything in between.