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thought leadership

While it is true that women are often equal to or better than men in many areas such as their ability to balance emotions and rationality or excel across multiple roles, there are still many facets of their accomplishments that remain overlooked or underappreciated. Yet, with so much already said and written about them, it can be challenging to find a unique perspective to share. 

For a long time, the advertising industry has been male-dominated, with men holding most leadership positions across all domains. However, times are changing, and the industry is becoming more diverse and inclusive. Women are at the forefront of this shift, challenging the status quo. They recognise that their unique life experiences give them a different perspective and a deeper understanding of people, making them valuable contributors to the industry. With their empathy and ability to relate to others' experiences, they excel in roles like strategy, uncovering insights that others may have missed. Many women have found that their experience managing the complexities of daily life has equipped them with skills like project management, deadline adherence, and navigating business challenges. They also leverage their innate creativity to generate fresh ideas and innovative concepts. After all, if they can create life, why not new ideas? 

Women have quickly gained ground in the advertising industry, overtaking the previously dominant male-led companies in many markets. Even in the few markets where they have yet to establish a foothold, it seems only a matter of time before they do so. 

This is a positive development for the industry, as monopolistic markets can be dangerous. With more women entering the industry, it has brought much-needed balance and equity to the field. Also, it is not just about the benefits in theory. When you work with a woman, you can feel the difference. They bring a refreshing authenticity to their work, resulting in better outcomes for clients. 

So, looks like the women in advertising have put on their challenger brand hat and are gearing up to claim the throne as the new leader brand!

(Amit Wadhwa, CEO, DENTSU CREATIVE India)