At Dentsu Aegis Network we’re at the cutting edge of the digital economy but we know we that there are still inequalities that must be bridged, as identified in our proprietary research. The digital economy has already brought great benefits, but we must make sure it works for everybody.
With International Women’s Day falling on March 8th, we want to take the opportunity to demonstrate that we’re already planning for the future by bringing our people, partners and clients together to join the conversation around how we can #BalanceForBetter.
Download our latest research, tune into our live events on 8th March, and sign up to our mentoring community to support female entrepreneurs around the world below.
Digital Society Index 2019

What's digital ever done for us? Quite a lot, actually. But is it meeting fundamental human needs? 43,000 people share their views in our latest Digital Society Index, conducted in collaboration with Oxford Economics.
Download the report