BMW teams up with The Story Lab to showcase BMW Genius
The Story Lab has created a new series of content to showcase the BMW Genius program and engage customers with vehicle features and technology.
The content features real BMW Geniuses – the dedicated experts who set BMW dealerships apart from other luxury car brands by guiding customers through every aspect of the vehicle.
Showcasing four different vehicles and scenarios across the breadth of the BMW range, the video content shows the BMW Geniuses taking customers on a bespoke test drive. Each scenario highlights the unique nature of a BMW customer’s experience, whilst explaining key features and technology in an entertaining way.
Tony Sesto, general manager marketing at BMW Group Australia, said: “We’re delighted with this new content series. Our brief was to push the creative beyond presenting BMW Geniuses in the dealership and showcasing just how unique a test drive with a BMW Genius can be.”
“The video series shows customers on an actual test drive and highlights the bespoke nature of the BMW Genius experience,” said Sesto.
Sarah-Jane Sands, Executive Producer, The Story Lab, said: “We’re extremely excited to reunite with BMW for the Genius 2 content, and are grateful for the creative freedom we had to push the concept into this fun and entertaining space. We feel the content speaks for itself in illustrating just how valuable a test drive with a BMW Genius can be.”
View the new BMW Genius campaign .